Eclectic Creativity

What Is Emusements?

I am a writer, content creator, and former software engineer. Emusements is my personal blog and creative portfolio — a place where I can share my past and present projects and musings on my various interests.

You’ll find an eclectic mix of content here.

My blog posts span everything from technology to entertainment to personal finance to cats (as well as some mashups of those topics).

My creative portfolio includes audio theater, screenwriting, entertainment journalism, website development, and video production.

Visit Reviews for my TV and fiction podcast recommendations — and also for reviews and interviews from my days as a college movie critic.

Please take a look around and contact me if you have any questions or comments.

Randy Parker

Latest Recommendations

  • Problemista ★★★★☆
  • Another Period (Paramount+)
  • Colin From Accounts (Paramount+)
  • Foundation (Apple TV+)
  • Silo (Apple TV+)
  • The Strata (audio fiction podcast)
  • On with Kara Swisher (tech industry podcast)
  • The Town (entertainment industry interview & analysis podcast)
  • Saga by Brian K Vaughan (graphic novel)
  • The Ancient Secrets series by T.S. Falk (novels)
  • Pandominion series by M.R. Carey (novels)
  • The Murderbot Diaries series by Martha Wells (novels)
  • Jaypoints (Substack newsletter) Read

Featured Posts


This site is dedicated to my cat Milo (2016-2024), who in addition to being one cool cat, occasionally posted on Emusements. Read his posts.

Milo on his cat tree
Milo on his favorite perch.

15 Random Facts About Me

  1. I am oddly cross-dominant (a.k.a. “mixed-handed”). I write, eat, and play racket/paddle sports with my left hand. I do everything else (e.g. throw a ball, hold a bat, bowl) with my right hand. I am also right-footed.
  2. My favorite movie is The Wizard of Oz — and I played the Tin Man in a sixth grade class production of the musical, The Wiz.
  3. I am a founding member of SPOT, The Society of People Who Over Think. I’m fully recovered now. Or am I?
  4. I once backpacked for three months through Europe and visited eight countries.
  5. I’m a huge Star Trek fan — I’ve made two fan productions so far and interviewed Leonard Nimoy by phone in college.
  6. I love the outdoors and hiking, but I hate camping.
  7. My friends and I once invented a fantasy TV rotisserie league where the scoring was based on the Nielsen ratings. For a few years, we offered it on the web for others to play.
  8. I’m technologically eclectic. All of my mobile devices (phone and tablets) are from Apple, but I prefer Windows computers over Macs. That said, I wouldn’t mind also having a Mac on my desk.
  9. Despite being over six feet tall and coveted by the football coach in ninth grade, I played four years of varsity BADMINTON in high school.
  10. I experienced a movie studio regime change first hand while I was a temporary worker at TriStar Pictures (on the Sony Pictures lot).
  11. Maybe the most fun thing I ever created was “Little Red Purple” — an elaborately staged musical puppet show that I produced and performed with my brother, on a stage we built around an air hockey table. Sadly, the show is lost to history as it predated home video camcorders (let alone YouTube).
  12. My cat, Milo, is a blogger, and he’s a better writer than I am.
  13. I was an expert downhill skier by the time I was in middle school, but I have skied only once or twice since college.
  14. I grew up reading DC comics, but I much prefer the Marvel TV and movie universe.
  15. I am quite fond of a candy called “Crunchy Frog” — which is made of “the finest baby frogs, dew picked and flown from Iraq, cleansed in finest quality spring water, lightly killed, and then sealed in a succulent Swiss quintuple smooth treble cream milk chocolate envelope and lovingly frosted with glucose.”

(Note: I got the idea for creating this list after seeing a similar one by Nick Loper at Side Hustle Nation.)